More than 60 different Absinthes to choose from and paraphenalia that could have been pre-loved by Toulouse-Lautrec himself:
Just drip'n'mix:
Japanese for hangover is futsukayoi which means "two-day-drunk".
Absinthe's a three-dayer for sure...
Houses with instant hot water had almost as much fun as ones that read Reader's Digest.
Another TV ad, this time a minimalist approach for a black-and-white from General.
I've no idea who these guys are, but they're awesome, in the original (Eddie Izzard) sense of the word. Apparently they're a Welsh steel band who were part of the pre-game street entertainment before the Rugby World Cup 2007 games that were held in Cardiff. Can't find them anywhere else on YouTube or on the web so if anyone knows who they are... share the wealth!
The clips a bit shaky at the start but stay with it, you'll be nodding your head in no time...