Thursday 11 August 2011

5 Months on

The tsunami was five months ago today. I won't write much but wanted to put up this sequence I came across in a magazine. It was taken at Kuji, Iwate which is the next major town North of Noda where the clip at the end of this earlier post was shot.





Click on the 3:30 pic. I've seen hunderds of images of the tsunami but when I saw this I still couldn't help but groan out loud. Pick anything you like for a sense of scale, the 2-storey house in the foreground, the green JCB-digger just to the right of the pile of sand, the harbour wall, the telegraph poles, either way, that's just a bastard of a wave.

1 comment:

  1. Someone left a comment a couple of weeks ago here that seems to be gone now asking which magazine these pics were from. They're from a Japanese mag which I think was a one-off special called Heisei no sanriku o-tsunami 「平成三陸大津波」

    This video clip the commenter included which included video footage of the same wave was from a National Geographic doco which was on TV here recently. That's about as high-quality I've seen of the wave. There was a higher quality NHK doco but not from this area.
